Busch Gardens Welcomes New Scottish Highland Cattle Calf
Our Busch Gardens Williamsburg family is growing! The pastures seem to be a little fuller these days with the addition of our new Scottish Highland cattle! Poppy arrived May 10, 2018 to accompany Thistle, our other Scottish Highlander making their little fold complete.

Born in January, Poppy came to us from the same beautiful and well managed farm our newest Clydesdales, Alex and Ludo, originated. Located in Bishop, Georgia, Classic City Clydesdale Farm has a herd (fold) of over 30 Scottish Highland cattle, 30 Clydesdale horses, and a vast assortment of other species of animals.

After arriving here the team has been getting to know her traits and personality. The first step in the process of integrating Poppy into her new home was taking her through the appropriate measures to make sure she fit right in with the current animal population here at Busch Gardens.

When Thistle and Poppy met it was friendship at first sight! Since being brought together the two have been inseparable. When Thistle walks to the other side of the paddock, Poppy is sure to follow, and vice versa! As they say, two are better than one, and that is surely the case for these two.
Be sure to look for them during your next visit. They can be found with out in their pasture along the railroad, or in their paddock right next to the England skyride.
Additional fun facts about Scottish Highland cattle:
• A group of cattle is normally called a herd, but a group of Scottish Highland cattle is referred to as a “fold”
• They have a life expectancy of up to 20 years
• Scottish Highland Cattle can be an array of different colors ranging from red, black, brindle, yellow, white, silver or dun
• Females can weigh over 1,100 lbs whereas males can weigh up to 1,800 lbs, if not more!
• Their horns grow continuously over their lifetime
• Their double coat helps defend them from all weather climates
• They can handle harsh, wet and cold climates as well as warmer climates and can be found in many southern states, as far south as Texas
Here's one more – We asked you on Instagram what we should name our newest member of Highland Stables, and out of 5,782 votes, Poppy was your favorite.