Reptiles at Busch Gardens Reptiles at Busch Gardens
Ssssneak over to Busch Gardens Williamsburg to see our reptiles. Look out for one of our animal care experts—they may be holding a snake for you to get to know!

King Snake

The king snake’s jaws are unhinged, allowing it to swallow prey that is larger than its head. They can eat rattlesnakes due to a tolerance to their venom. Potential prey has the best chance of survival if it stays very still, as the king snake is very near sighted.
Ball Python

Ball Python

Ball pythons are named after their defensive nature to curl up into a ball when frightened. In the wild, these small snakes mostly prey on small mammals, rodents and birds.

Conservation Fund

Since 2003, the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens conservation fund has provided well over $15 million in grants to over 1,200 organizations.

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