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Meet Jody, the Papaya Loving Black Rhino

April 22, 2020
Learn more about how a papaya seedling grew from composted rhinoceros poop.

From 💩 to papaya, she is the ultimate recycler.

Rhino poop grows a papaya tree at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Jody is a 31-year old rhino at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay who loves papayas, and fruit. Her love of this seeded fruit was very evident in the rhino poop that is a part of Busch Gardens’ composting efforts. In fact, over 3 million pounds of manure is recycled at the park’s state-certified composting site annually.

Rhino poop grows a papaya tree at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

In 2018, animal care experts noticed a small papaya plant growing in the compost area. The seedling was relocated closer to Jody’s habitat, in the hope that it would one day grow into a fruit-bearing tree. 

Rhino poop grows a papaya tree at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay

Two years later – the tree is thriving and offers Jody a delicious and nutritious snack!